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Cleantech Innovation Programmes - UNIDO India

UNIDO's Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) is designed to leverage the power of entrepreneurship to address the most challenging energy and environmental problems. GCIP identifies and nurtures innovators and entrepreneurs working on cleantech (clean technology) and engages local governments and financial sector players to enable local innovation ecosystems. Startups working in the areas of Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Waste Beneficiation, and Water Efficiency (in some countries, the Green Building category) are selected through a competitive process that identifies most promising innovators and entrepreneurs across each participating country.
Our Milestones
The GCIP India programme was launched in May 2013, in collaboration with the Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises and as of 2017 received 767 applications over the 4 years annual challenges. Till date, GCIP India programme shortlisted and mentored 84 cleantech entrepreneurs/ start-ups working in four technology categories namely Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Waste Beneficiation, and Water Efficiency. These cleantech start-ups are based in 45 cities across India. Their category-wise yearly distribution is shown here: