@extends('layouts.frontend.master') @section('htmltitle') Main Objectives of FLCTD @endsection @section('content')


Facility for Low Carbon Technology Deployment (FLCTD) is jointly implemented by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). FLCTD is supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

This 5-year project aims to promote innovation of low-carbon technologies and its deployment in industrial and other related sectors of Indian economy. The project will conduct annual 'Innovation Challenge' competitions that will identify innovative low carbon technologies and solutions to improve efficient end-use of energy, which in turn will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the long run. The project will promote the deployment of winning technologies.

FLCTD is guided by the need for competition and market orientation in cleantech innovations in India. Hence the project will support cleantech innovations established in the demands of the industries and shall support early adopters via deployment support. The project aims to catalyze technology diffusion while strengthening low carbon technology entrepreneurship by maintaining strong Intellectual Property rights and promoting an overall innovation ecosystem in the country.

FLCTD is designing and conducting “Innovation Challenges” in three technology areas:

Waste heat recovery (WHR)
Waste heat recovery (WHR)
Space conditioning (HVAC, cold storage etc.)
Space conditioning (HVAC, cold storage etc.)
Pumps & Pumping Systems
Main Objectives of FLCTD
Identifying, demonstrating, and deploying low carbon technologies:

These high-impact innovation challenges if solved have the potential for create large-scale carbon emission reductions, via wide technology deployment. Hence through innovation challenges FLCTD will identify innovations. Winning technologies will be provided support for demonstration.

Low Carbon Innovation Ecosystem:
Main Objectives of FLCTD
Over the course of the project, FLCTD will also work towards establishment of an innovation ecosystem for deployment support of low-carbon technologies. The ecosystem will verify and bring together appropriate networks and centres for research and deployment of low-carbon technologies. These centres will consist of technology specific, application oriented deployment groups. They shall act as connectors between several entities undertaking near-deployment trials and prototyping, critical stages of technology transfer and adoption. These ecosystem hubs will bring more stakeholders like financing agencies for sustaining the cleantech innovation space and shall provide recommendations to policymakers.