Facility for Low Carbon Technology Deployment (FLCTD) project, implemented by the United
Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in collaboration with the Bureau of Energy
Efficiency (BEE) is launching the 2019 Innovation challenge in Space Conditioning technology vertical.
In the annual challenge concluded in 2018, 6 winners were selected for technology demonstration in the
Space Conditioning vertical and the total award money committed INR 1,62,85,000 (US$232,643). The
list of winners of FLCTD Innovation Challenge 2018 is available at:
Entries are invited to the 2019 FLCTD Innovation Challenge for Space Conditioning, Refrigeration and
Cold-chain to identify the promising innovations in the areas described below, which can be deployed
to address technology gaps and/or reduce energy consumption. The total award money for FLCTD
Innovation Challenge 2019 in the Space Conditioning vertical is US $400,000.
The Challenge is open for innovations in the following technology areas:
Space Conditioning – Innovations that save energy in providing the cooling comfort in the built
environments without compromising the comfort and functionality of the spaces such as, but not
limited to, residential and public buildings, commercial spaces, industrial work spaces,
warehouses, and public/private transport such as buses, river/sea ferries
- Refrigeration – Innovations demonstrating energy savings in application of refrigeration
technologies for domestic/commercial/industrial applications including, but not limited to,
instant chillers in fishing boats/trawlers, plate freezers, freezer rooms, water-coolers, milk
chillers, pack houses and cold room
- Cold-Chain – Innovative cold-chain solutions in primary, secondary or tertiary segments of the
cold-chain to that help to preserve the quality and extend the shelf-life of perishable products
including agri-produce, flowers, dairy products, beverages, sea-food, frozen food.
All innovative solutions should be based on the proof-of-concept or early stage prototype and clearly
indicate the replication potential and opportunities for scale-up, and also the following:
- Use of refrigerants with zero ODS and low GWP such as (R-290 / R-717) while demonstrating
the efficiency benefits;
- Emerging and novel technology applications that reduces energy consumption, including
through system heat reduction and heat gain reduction;
- Innovations that result in overall efficiency improvements;
- Design improvements that reduce energy consumption and overcome application constraints;
- Applications that reduce fossil fuel consumption or lead to integration of renewable source of