@extends('layouts.frontend.master') @section('htmltitle') Space Conditioning - 2019 Winners @endsection @section('content')
Start-up based in IITM Business Technology Park, Swadha offers Smart Automation, Analytics, Monitoring, and Controls of Centralized air-conditioning Systems
InnovationSmart Automation Analytics, Monitoring and Control of Centralized Air Conditioning Systems.
Brief of innovationincrease in Comfort for User Experience in Air Conditioning systems by maintaining uniform temperature and humidity, monitoring/control of Air Quality Indices and elimination of hot and cold pockets of uneven air Flow.
Visit WebsiteBased in Delhi NCR, New Leaf’s GreenCHILL can facilitate the increase of income, generate micro-enterprises, prolong the shelf life of fruits, vegetables, and flowers, reduce spoilage/wastage, and enhancing the nutritional value of diets.
InnovationRefrigeration systems powered by farm-waste using climate friendly refrigerant provides on-farm cooling.
Brief of innovationSmall farmers, village producer cooperatives and village entrepreneurs will be able to use GreenCHILL to increase produce freshness while reducing waste and eliminating the dependence on grid / DG powered cold-storages, thus realizing better price yields leading to increase in livelihoods
Visit WebsiteBased in Pune, Promethean Power provides Thermal Storage Based Milk chilling solutions and thermal energy storage-based vehicles for delivery of perishable food items in tertiary segment (intra-city).
InnovationMilk-can cooling solution for chilling of milk at the village
Brief of innovationMilk-can cooling solution attempts to solve the challenges by enabling chilling of small quantities of milk in the village itself. The difference is that chilling will commence in the village itself within ½ hour of milking and farmers have more flexibility of time. The Thermal Storage System ensures that chilling will continue even in the absence of grid power.
Visit WebsiteInficold, a start-up based in Noida (UP), provides thermal energy storage for refrigeration systems. It finds its application in off-grid solar integration and faster cooling while reducing the compressor size & demand-load management of grid electricity.
Innovation150 Lt Solar milk-cooler to provide instant chilling at the point of collection
Brief of innovation150 Litre milk-cooler with integrated thermal storage to chill the milk instantly at the point of collection. The system is designed to be mounted on a mini-truck for cooling while transporting it directly to dairy or a bulk milk collection unit.
Visit WebsiteStart-up based in IITM, Tan90 has developed 58-litre capacity portable cold- storages re-usable boxes that are run by proprietary thermal batteries.
InnovationPortable cold storages
Brief of innovationProprietary eutectic fast-charging thermal batteries providing users a faster turn-around time suited for multi-mode logistics.
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