@extends('layouts.frontend.master') @section('htmltitle') WHR - 2019 Winners @endsection @section('content')
Promethean, a start-up based in Navi Mumbai offers low-temperature waste heat recovery solutions to industries to help reduce process heating requirements.
InnovationHeat Recovery in Synthetic textile dyeing units
Brief of innovationThe innovative solution developed involves waste heat recovery from effluent dye-liquor to pre-heat dye-water for process, leading to an estimated reduction in energy between 10-30% of the overall consumption.
Visit WebsiteForbes Marshall, based in Pune, providing services in process efficiency and energy conservation for process industry.
InnovationHigh-speed steam engines operating on Saturated steam
Brief of innovationSteam engines are proposed primarily as steam pressure reducing devices which would simultaneously generate incidental electricity of 18kW while reducing steam pressure from 10bar to 3bar for steam flows less than 3 tph.
Visit WebsiteAspiration Energy, based in Chennai, is an innovative Solar Energy Services company, providing decentralized solar thermal systems and hyper-efficient heat pumps for industrial process heating in collaboration with IIT Madras
InnovationHigh temperature heat pump for industrial process heating combined with heat recovery
Brief of innovationTo deploy a heat pump system capable of recovering waste heat from sources as low as 300 Celsius and delivering hot water or low-pressure steam at 100 - 120 0C.
Visit WebsiteAspiration Energy, based in Chennai, is an innovative Solar Energy Services company, providing decentralized solar thermal systems and hyper-efficient heat pumps for industrial process heating in collaboration with IIT Madras
InnovationHigh temperature heat pump for industrial process heating combined with heat recovery
Brief of innovationTo deploy a heat pump system capable of recovering waste heat from sources as low as 300 Celsius and delivering hot water or low-pressure steam at 100 - 120 0C.
CEEP, Chennai assists organisations in improved use of resources be it energy, water, human resources, time and anything to do with productivity.
InnovationHeat recovery from cotton textile dye effluent
Brief of innovationThe hot effluents discharged from the dyeing machines are collected in the ETP sump. The average discharge temperature of the effluents is 80° C. The process water used for dyeing can be heated by making use of the heat in hot effluents.
Visit WebsiteENCON, based in Faridabad works in the areas of Designing, Manufacturing, Supplying and Commissioning of Fuel -Efficient Heating Systems on turn-key basis.
InnovationDevelopment of Regenerative Burners
Brief of innovationDevelopment of Regenerative burners to be used for liquid and gaseous fuel to recover heat from flue gases exiting furnace at high-temperature ~ 800° Celsius to pre-heat primary air leading to reduction in fuel usage. The regenerative burners have been designed to use regular fuels and for low CV fuels such as Blast Furnace Gas, Coke Oven Gas which are otherwise flared, resulting in loss of useful energy and pollution.
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