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Basil Energetics Pvt. Ltd.


Basil is a pioneer in DC Appliances and Nano/Micro Grid and has brought various efficient solutions to the market like Air Conditioner, Refrigerator, Freezer, Ceiling Fan, and LED lights


DC Powered High-speed pump

Details about the Innovation

  • Compact high-speed pumps developed by Basil Energetics Pvt. Ltd provide high efficiency, with reduced material of construction and overall pump size. The pumps require no inverter for solar operation and offers seamless operation in off-grid and grid-connect mode by deploying state of the art electronic controls systems. The pump is developed for application/use as high-pressure Pumps for Reverse-Osmosis water purification system and as a booster-pump for high-rise building.

Technology Demonstration Planned

  • High Pressure Pumps for RO
  • Booster Pumps for high-rise buildings
  • Submersible Pumps 1 ~ 5 HP
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