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Oorja Energy Engineering Services Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad


Oorja offers heating & cooling applications for industrial and commercial sectors.


Radiant Heat Recovery from Rotary Kilns in Cement Plants.

Details about the Innovation

  • Radiant Heat Recovery from Rotary Kilns is developed by Oorja Energy Engineering Services Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad to utilize the waste heat released in the atmosphere from rotary kiln. Typical rotary kiln surface temperature varies between 150° C to 300° Celsius and fans are deployed to dissipate heat and regulate the kiln shell temperature. Oorja has designed system with heat recovery panels to capture radiant heat in the high temperature zone to operate Vapour Absorption Machine for space cooling.

Technology Demonstration Planned

  • 2.5 million tons per annum (TPA) Cement Plant at Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh
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