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Shakti Pumps (India) Ltd


Shakti Pumps has an annual production capacity of 1 million pumps with a turnover close to US $100 million in Domestic, Industrial, Agriculture and Renewable energy segments


Shakti Slip Start Synchronous Run Motor (S4RM) based Pump Sets

Details about the Innovation

  • Slip Start Synchronous Run Motor (S4RM) based submersible Pumps developed by Shakti Pumps (India) Ltd is developed with innovative design of impeller and material as well as motor. The pumps consume significantly less power while providing higher volume of water output and maintain high power factor compared to other pumps with similar duty. The is designed to provide the rated water discharge while operating at lower voltage level.

Technology Demonstration Planned

  • 25 HP pump at a textile industry
  • 10 HP pump in a building
  • 3 HP in a farm
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