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SunMoksha Power Pvt. Ltd.


SunMoksha integrates supply & distribution of off-grid and hybrid microgrid with smart-grid functionality for developing micro-economic zones and smart farming solutions for rural areas


Smart AQUAnetTM - IoT-based Efficient Water Management System

Details about the Innovation

  • Smart AQUAnet™, developed by SunMoksha Power Private Limited for efficient water management and uses Cloud-based solution to remotely manage water systems, including the pump and the water distribution system. The IoT Controller with meters and sensors for TDS, pH, soil moisture, water-depth is developed to deliver the right quantity of water according to the crop’s requirements, at right time, and minimizes water wastage. The product has smart -irrigation module that manages the supply and distribution of water to several farmers who grow different crop in contiguous fields and share single pump for water supply.

Technology Demonstration Planned

  • In Kanpur (UP) in collaboration with IIT-Kanpur and in Jamshedpur (Jharkand) in partnership with Kalamandir
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