@extends('layouts.frontend.master') @section('htmltitle') Village Industrial Power (VIP) @endsection @section('external_styles') @endsection @section('content')

Village Industrial Power (VIP)


VIP solutions enables rural farmers to use agricultural waste as fuel and generate thermal, electrical, and mechanical energy to increase the value of their crops by up to 10 times.


Heat Recovery in Traditional Jaggeries to Reduce Fuel Consumption.

Details about the Innovation

  • Waste Heat Recovery solution for traditional jaggeries units has been developed by Village Industrial Power (VIP), to capture heat from flue gas and utilize it in the jaggery production process to reduce bagasse (fuel) consumption. In addition, a dryer has been designed and developed to capture the heat from hot flue gas for fast drying of bagasse. The waste heat recovery is expected to reduce the fuel consumption thereby providing excess bagasse for sale thus providing additional income to the jaggery units.

Technology Demonstration Planned

  • A heat recovery boiler/evaporator and baggase dryer in 2 jaggery units near Pune and 1 near New Delhi
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